Hi, how I can get the has_many associations of a model?
For example if I have this class:
class A < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many B
has_many C
I would a method like this:
that return
Is it possible? Thanks!
Hi, how I can get the has_many associations of a model?
For example if I have this class:
class A < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many B
has_many C
I would a method like this:
that return
Is it possible? Thanks!
For Example you could try :
Page.reflections.each { |key, value| aux << key if value.instance_of?(ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection) }
Hi Pioz , Have a Nice Day!
array_of_array = [A.B, A.C]
This will return the Array having two element which are also an array.
Found the solutions:
def self.get_macros(macro)
res = Array.new
self.reflections.each do |k,v|
res << k if v.macro == macro.to_sym
return res
You should be using ActiveRecord reflections.
Then you can type something like this:
A.reflect_on_all_associations.map { |assoc| assoc.name}
which will return your array
[:B, :C]