





I have following definition in ivy.xml

<dependency org="southbeach" name="ego" rev="4.3.1" conf="properties->asterik" >
  <artifact name="ego" type="conf" ext="conf" conf="properties->asterik"/>

I have files with either extension conf or properties which i need at runtime, in ivysettings.xml, i have following:

<filesystem name="privateFSa">
  <artifact pattern="${localRepositoryLocation}/[artifact].[ext]" />

It always tries to look for ego.jar instead of ego.conf. can please somebody shed light on this? am i doing something wrong or ivy just supports tar,zip,gz, jar and not properties or conf files?

I did workaround for now in ivysettings.xml

<filesystem name="privateFSa">
      <artifact pattern="${localRepositoryLocation}/[artifact].conf" />

but this doesnt looks good to hardcode conf there. Thanks,


Without a more details example I'm not sure what is wrong.

Here's my working project

$ find . -type f

The ivy file declares the project dependencies:

$ cat ./ivy.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<ivy-module version="2.0">
    <info organisation="com.myspotontheweb" module="demo"/>
        <dependency org="southbeach" name="ego" rev="4.3.1">
            <artifact name="ego" type="conf"/>

And the ivy settings file

$ cat ./ivysettings.xml
    <settings defaultResolver="privateFSa"/>
        <filesystem name="privateFSa">
            <artifact pattern="${ivy.settings.dir}/repository/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext]" />

Downloads just fine

$ ant
Buildfile: build.xml
[ivy:retrieve]  found southbeach#ego;4.3.1 in privateFSa
[ivy:retrieve] downloading /????/repository/southbeach/ego/4.3.1/confs/ego.conf ...
[ivy:retrieve] .. (0kB)

Is it possible that you need to clean your ivy cache directory? (See the ivy:cleancache task)

I'm thinking that perhaps ivy is picking up an older resolution of the module before you added the "artifact" entry.

Mark O'Connor