Hi, Is it possible to run MATLAB functions from within Python? I search the internet, I could only find PyMat. The bad thing is the compiled version only supports Python2.2 and I am using 2.6. So I tied to download the source code, so I can compile it for myself. But I cannot compile it, VC++ express seems not to have the necessary functionalities to compile it. Does anyone have the compile version for PC? or any substitutes for PyMat? Thanks
PyMat looks like it's been abandoned.
I'm assuming you are on windows so you could always do the simplest approach and use Matlab's COM interface:
>>> import win32com.client
>>> h = win32com.client.Dispatch('matlab.application')
>>> h.Execute ("plot([0 18], [7 23])")
>>> h.Execute ("1+1")
u'\nans =\n\n 2\n\n'
More info here
2010-05-21 19:50:34
Another option is Mlabwrap
Mlabwrap is a high-level python to Matlab® bridge that lets Matlab look like a normal python library.
It works well with numpy arrays. An example from the home page:
>>> from mlabwrap import mlab; from numpy import *
>>> xx = arange(-2*pi, 2*pi, 0.2)
>>> mlab.surf(subtract.outer(sin(xx),cos(xx)))
2010-08-10 17:25:22