




I have a span element as follows: <span id="download">Download</span>. This element is controlled by a few radio buttons. Basically, what I want to do is have 1 button to download the item selected by the radio buttons, but am looking to make it a little more "flashy" by changing the text inside the <span> to say more specifically what they are downloading. The span is the downloading button, and I have it animated so that the span calls slideUp(), then should change the text, then return by slideDown().Here is the code I am using that does not want to work.

$("input[name=method]").change(function() {
    if($("input[name=method]").val() == 'installer') {
    else if($("input[name=method]").val() == 'url') {
        $('#download').text("Download From Vendor Website");

I changed the code a bit to be more readable so I know that it doesn't have the short code that jQuery so eloquently allows. Everything in the code works, with the exception of the changing of the text inside the span. I'm sure its a simple solution that I am just overlooking.

Any help is appreciated,

Eric R.


try using

$('#download').html("Download From Vendor Website")


$('#download').val("Download From Vendor Website")
If `text` is not working, what makes you think this would work?
Josh Stodola
Not a good idea to use `.html()` when you are just trying to change text.
it's worth a try, and if there is a duplicate id issue, maybe it will render another part of the page incorrectly and help identify it.
If there is a duplicate, it won't work either.
`.val()` will also blow up in IE since its not an `<input>` element its just a `<span>`
if everything else in the code is working, then it probably isn't a duplicate id issue either.
Well using `.html()` and `.val()` isn't making anything better.
I understand your point, and I agree that using .text is the preferred method. But for debugging purposes, it may be worth trying changes like this at times, providing they aren't too time consuming or too much of an alteration to the code.

The reason why this isn't working is that $("input[name=method]") matches every element that is of type input and has an attribute of name with the value of "method". That is, if you are using check boxes each and every checkbox you have with that name. I believe the val method returns the value of the first match element - regardless of whether it is checked or not.

See this test page: http://jsbin.com/igixa4

You might want to add the :checked selector.

So how I would implement it:

$("input[name=method]").change(function() {
  $download = $('#download');
  switch($("input[name=method]:checked").val()) {
    case 'installer' :
    case 'url':
      $download.text("Download From Vendor Website");
Jakub Hampl
Why would every checkbox have `method` set to the `name` attribute? Regardless of whether or not it's right, your answer is extremely assumptive.
Andy E
Thanks. I completely overlooked the selectors details in the API. It does in fact return the value of the first one every time. I changed it to $("input:radio[name=method]:checked"].val() and that returns it properly.
Eric Reynolds
@Andy I guess I wrote it ina bit of a confusing manner. I tried to clarify a bit.
Jakub Hampl