I have this naive regex "<([\s]|[^<])+?>" (excluding the quotation marks). It seems so straightforward but it is indeed evil when it works against the below HTML text. It sends the Java regular expression engine to an infinite loop.
I have another regex ("<.+?>"), which does somewhat the same thing, but it doesn't kill anything. Do you know why this happens?
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var numDivs, layerName;
layerName = "lnavLayer";
catLinkName = "category";
numDivs = 2;
function toggleLayer(layerID){
if (!(navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.substr(0, 1) < 5)){
thisLayer = document.getElementById(layerName + layerID);
categoryLink = document.getElementById(catLinkName + layerID);
if (thisLayer.className == 'subnavDefault'){
thisLayer.className = 'subnavToggled';
categoryLink.className = 'leftnavLinkSelectedSection';
function closeThem(){
for(x = 0; x < numDivs; x++){
theLayer = document.getElementById(layerName + (x
+ 1));
thecategoryLink = document.getElementById(catLinkName + (x + 1));
theLayer.className = 'subnavDefault';
thecategoryLink.className = 'leftnavLink';
} var flag = 0; var lastClicked = 0
it even keeps looping with an online Java regex tool (such as www.fileformat.info/tool/regex.htm) or a utility like RegexBuddy.