First, instead of thinking in terms of "with fields with getters and setters" you are advised to think in terms of "bean properties" here. Struts2 (and most java frameworks) think in that way, they usually don't care (and rightly so) whether those "properties" are real fields or not.
The short answer to your question is: no.
But be aware that Struts2 is very flexible - when I say "no" I mean "using the default interceptors". You could always write your own interceptor instead of the default to do that - bad idea IMO.
The interceptor that does that mapping is (basically) the parameters interceptor. From its documentation:
This interceptor gets all parameters
from ActionContext#getParameters()
sets them on the value stack by
calling ValueStack#setValue(String, Object)
typically resulting in the values
submitted in a form request being
applied to an action in the value
And looking into ValueStack.setValue(String,Object) we read:
Attempts to set a property on a
bean in the stack with the given
expression using the default search
So there you have.