



I am doing a project at the moment using the AIR 2.0 RC SDK. As far as I know, I created a new class for my project, and added a constructor to the main class file. At least it wasn't too serious: creating a new class for a project is quite commin I guess. But after I did so, I suddenly got the following output when compiling the movie:

[SWF] app.swf - 131729 bytes after decompression

[SWF] app.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/1 - 2067 bytes after decompression

[SWF] app.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/2 - 322606 bytes after decompression

[SWF] app.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/3 - 239750 bytes after decompression

[UnloadSWF] app.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/1

Warning: Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy files. See ht tp:// for details.

First, I have no idea where that [[DYNAMIC]] in front of the 3 compiled versions came from. Next, I get the error on the bottom, saying it ignored something in the local policy files. Strangely enough the only thing network-related is loading some images at runtime, but nothing too serious. But when I implmented that, I did not get any kind of errors like this. Can anyone explain what the [[DYNAMIC]] thing and the error means? Or better: how to fix them?