



Hey everyone,

In my web design class, we looked at creating different style sheets for different window sizes and using a javascript that detects the window size and loads the right style sheet. In the head, I'm linking to three external style sheets, as well as a link to the javascript file. So the adaptive layout works fine.

However... I also need to be able to use a print style sheet with this particular webpage (it's the requirement for this project).

The problem is this that the way the javascript was written makes it so that it ignores the print style sheet. When I go to print preview, it ignores the print style sheet and the preview shows me all of my webpage unstyled. It looks like just the html when opened in a browser.

I am using the javascript by Kevin Hale at ParticleTree, and I'm sure there are those familiar with this :]

I would like to know what needs to be changed so that the print style sheet isn't ignored.

I've shown this to my professor. However, her email wasn't clear enough, but I understand that somehow the script is ignoring the print.css and that's why the print preview shows a css-less preview. Since it's the weekend, I won't be able to get an answer until Monday, and I was hoping someone can help me out.

Thank you very much!
