
Display WPF modal window/dialog/panel the same way as a NSWindow can be displayed like a sheet in Cocoa

I am looking for a way to display a modal window in WPF the same way as a window in Cocoa can be displayed as a sheet, i.e. it slides down from the titlebar in front of the main parent window. My guess is that this would be accomplished by having the modal window as a user control which is loaded into a panel when displayed, and that th...

CSS Performance issues

hi, What are the aspects of style sheets (CSS) that can lead to poor performance of web sites? Anything that can really choke up the CPU? thanks in advance. Sesh ...

Excel: How can I display the data from several sheets in one?

I have written a script which creates a complex Excel sheet which contains data from several data sources. The data on each sheet is usually 1-5 rows. It would be great if I could create another sheet which would display the data from the other sheets online (i.e. the overview sheet should change as I change the data sheets). I also need...

OpenGL iPhone Sprite Sheet

I have a sprite sheet of images of differnet width and height, which i have the coordinates to. I need to render only a specific sprite and is wondering how to go about doing it. Can anyone help me? ...

Obtaining First Excel Sheet Name With OleDbConnection

Hi, I have one problem. I need to get the excel sheet name in a work book, which looks on the very left sheets tab -the first one from my point of view. I am using this code: public static string GetFirstExcelSheetName(OleDbConnection connToExcel) { DataTable dtSheetName = connToExcel.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, ...

How to debug AD users and computers Property sheets extension?

I have upgraded what had been a working AD Users and Computers property sheets extension from Visual Studio 2003 to 2008 and am trying to debug it. The symptoms are that MMC.EXE crashes when selecting that property sheet tab. I tried attaching to mmc.exe, but although the property sheet displayed the tab, the DLL is not on the call sta...

App modal NSPanel / sheet / dialog + NSThread == window hangs ??

I'm in the midst of debugging an extremely unusual problem, and I was wondering if anybody might have any insight into what might be going wrong: In a controller class from a NIB, I take an NSPanel from that same NIB, and then show it app modally on an NSWindow (that was created by hand in code): [[NSApplication sharedApplication] begi...

Action sheet not opaque

For some reason the top half of the my action sheet is not opaque. I have created the view and action sheet using the code below: //allocate the view self.view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]]; UIActionSheet *popupQuery = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil delegate:self ...

Set Excel sheet as datasource to Gridview .

Hi, I have the excel sheet , I want to keep it as datasource to the gridview . gridview will be editable so whatever the data updated sholud be write to again in excel sheet with respected location in sheet. How can i do this ? Please help me . ...

how to create a CSS file

Can anyone please help me how can I create a CSS file for my Web application? ...

Excel and pgSQL

How do I import data from a excel sheet onto a PGSQL database on linux? ...

how to show an action sheet inside the popover for ipad?

Hi all, I have a split View controller ,in which the left side holds a table view controller. Can any1 pls help me, if I wnt to show an action sheet inside the popover , when I click on the detail disclosure button of the table cell ? Best Regards. ...

Problem passing dynamic parameters to a mysql query from page

Hi, I've a requirement that I need to read an excel sheet programmatically using and write the data obtained into a mysql table.The excel sheet contains something around 50 columns and 2000 records.I am able to read the data from the excel sheet and store it in a dataset.I am using the following code to write the data into my...

Question about using adaptive layout + print style sheet

Hey everyone, In my web design class, we looked at creating different style sheets for different window sizes and using a javascript that detects the window size and loads the right style sheet. In the head, I'm linking to three external style sheets, as well as a link to the javascript file. So the adaptive layout works fine. However....

Cheat sheet documentation django python

Hi Is there any Cheat Sheet or Document where I can see all the build-in modules, functions, commands etc in Django and or Python and where I will get an overview of ALL possible elements I could use. I am sure this is would be a big file/image etc , but it would be very helpful to know what commands I could use. Any suggestions would ...

JQuery Sheet Customization

Hi, I wanted to know if we can customize the jQuery sheet plugin according to user requirements, if yes how? I would also like to know more functions, operations of the sheet plugin. Can we change the functions internally? ...

Call a sheet from within an alert causes weird window problems

Hello, I decided to use an alert sheet with 2 buttons. When the user clicks the continue button a sheet made from a window should come down. The sheet comes down and the parent window closes along with the other sheet. The code I'm using is: - (void)alertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(int *)contextI...

Cocoa / Objective-C : Return values from a sheet ?

In my application I open a sheet window for user input. Because the window is complex and has a few textfields and a few buttons I created a separate controller for it (InputWindowController). When the sheet is closed I want to receive some values from the InputWindowController but I don't know how. In all samples I found the controls i...

How can I insert data from one sheet to another sheet using POI?

How can I insert data from one sheet to another sheet using POI? I have a template and have a default sheet, What I want to do is to create a new sheet to insert another data when my previous work sheet have reach a maximum rows in excel of 65536. ...