
How do I validate a subset of content in an XML document when it can occur in any order?

Hi, I have a document with a bunch of elements under a single root element which has a few elements I care about, and want to validate; but those elements may occur anywhere in the document. There are also other elements that I don't want to validate; I don't care if they're there or what's in 'em. I tried the obvious thing, an XSD wi...

How to list all tables or only those of a given database

You can get a list of databases using PRAGMA database_list or a list of tables in the "main" database using select name from sqlite_master where type='table' but as I just wrote, it only returns the tables from the "main" DB only, and I don't see a way to know which tables are in the other DBs. So how does one list the tables in t...

select all checkbox pagination help required...

Hi, I currently have a report with pagination, that displays 10 records Per page. Within this report, I also have a checkbox column for every record. Based on this, I want to incorporate a "Check All" feature, so based on my scenario which displays 10 records, when I press the "Check All" checkbox, I would like to check all the visi...

Get result row count for individual SELECT statements with UNION ALL in MySQL when using LIMIT

Hi all. I need to get the row count for individual SELECT statements in an UNION ALL SELECT query that uses LIMIT. The MySQL docs are pretty clear about getting the global row count for the query (place individual SELECTs in parenthesis and place an SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS only in the first statement, then get FOUND_ROWS() the usual way). Ho...

Get only the specified styles of an element :)

Hi guys, can you help me ? :( I can get a style of an element just doing this: alert (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle (document.getElementById ("element"), null).getPropertyValue ("background-color")); I can get all styles of an element just doing this: var styles = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle (document.getElementByI...

MVC Catch All route not working

My first route: // Should work for /Admin, /Admin/Index, /Admin/listArticles routes.MapRoute( "Admin", // Route name "Admin/{action}", // URL with parameters new { controller = "Admin", action = "Index" } // Parameter defaults ); is not re...

Xcode + remove all breakpoints

Hello, Is there any way to remove all the breakpoints in Xcode? Regards, Pratik ...

iPhone + clear all UI Controls from View

Hi, I have a view in which I have few labels and I want to dynamically clear the view (remove all the labels) at certain condition in my application. Please help me Regards, Pratik ...

SQL Server: Logical equivalent of ALL query

I have a following query (simplified): SELECT Id FROM dbo.Entity WHERE 1 = ALL ( SELECT CASE WHEN {Condition} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM dbo.Related INNER JOIN dbo.Entity AS TargetEntity ON TargetEntity.Id = Related.Ta...

How I can get all reference with Reflection + C#

Hi, Using System.Reflection, I can get all methods from a specific class...but I need know what are the refereces to these methods. For examp. In Visual Studio, if you want the references of specific make right click on the object and select "Find All References"...and Visual Studio show the references of this selected obje...

Paging and custom-ordering a result

Hello, I want to query a table so that it´s ordered the following way: 1) "entry" 2) "entry#" 3) "entry something" 4) "..entry.." I did this via Union All and 4 different queries. But additionally, I want to include paging, so that I can f.ex. receive the row-numbers 1-100, 101-200 etc. I tried Row_Num() Over (Order By) but did not ge...

Can`t uncheck all in Struts Multibox

Hi. I have a j2ee application running on weblogic. I was confused with my multibox. WHta I know of multibox is the checked items will be passed as array of strings on submit. I don`t know why in my application it works fine when i uncheck a checkbox or more but as long as a single box remains checked. when i uncheck everything what will ...

Ruby on Rails: Simple way to select all records of a nested model?

Just curious, I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to get an array of all the records in a nested model. I just want to make sure there is not a better way. Here is the setup: I have three models that are nested under each other (Facilities >> Tags >> Inspections), producing code like this for routes.rb: map.resources :facil...

YouTube API Get all videos uploaded feed

Hi Guys, I can't seem to retrieve ALL videos from a particular channel on YouTube, despite the API giving example code that should perform just that. I'm using Java. The above rss feed is the URL they suggest using along with the following sample code.. /*init the ...

WPF Check/Uncheck all checkboxes located in a gridview

Hi! I have a gridview with some columns. One of these columns is checkbox type. Then I have two buttons in my UI, one for check all and another for uncheck all. I would like to check all checkboxes in the column when I press the a button and uncheck all checkboxes when I press the another one. How can I do this? Some snippet code: ...

how understand one result set is subset of another in twomysql select result set ?

Hi I've 2 mysql select statements, suppose these are my queries & their result : Statement 1 : select id from a which returns this result set : { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 } Statement 2 : select id from b which returns this result set : { 3, 5, 10 } I want to write a query which determines whether resultset1 contains a...

sql: trying to select the second biggest element but selects the biggest

we want to have the second biggest element. We first use ANY to exclude the biggest one. Then we use all to select the biggest. However when we run this query, it shows the biggest and not the second one. Why? SELECT * FROM bestelling WHERE totaalprijs > ALL ( SELECT totaalprijs FROM bestelling WHERE totaalprijs < ANY (...

Same Title Bar but different View below it in Android?

Hi, In one of my Android Application I need to keep the title bar same but the view that is shown in the rest of the screen changes. So, I have taken different Activity for all the views that I need to show and set the title bar in every Activities onCreate method. Now, the problem is that I have a button in the title bar and need to p...

How to refresh all pages in a frameset

Hi everyone ,, using php I would like to force the browser to refresh all pages -frams- in the frameset , as if the user had press F5 button. when I use header("Location: frameset.php"); it reload the whole frameset int one frame which had the action any help is Appreciated :) ...

how to show all method and data when the object not has "__iter__" function in python..

i find a way : (1):the dir(object) is : a="['__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__metaclass__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__str__', '__weakref__',...