



Thank you for looking at my question, as I appreciate your time.

Okay, so I'm trying to use jQuery's get function to call my php script which ultimately returns a variable which is a built template of the main content of my page minus my static header/footer, for which I would like to replace the "old" page content without the page reloading. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where I'm going wrong here? My code is as follows...


function getData(time, type) {
            type: "GET",
            url: "getData.php",
            data: "time=" + time + "&type=" + type,
            success: function(data){
    return false;



    $time = empty($_GET['time']) ? '' : $_GET['time'];
    $type = empty($_GET['type']) ? '' : $_GET['type'];
    echo getData($time, $type);

    function getData($time, $type)
            $tmpl = new Template();
            $tmpl->time= $time;
            $tmpl->type = $type;
            $builtpage = $tmpl->build('index.tmpl');
            return $builtpage;

jQuery function call:

<a href="#" onclick="getData('<?php print $tmpl->time; ?>', 'Orange')">Orange</a>
<a href="#" onclick="getData('<?php print $tmpl->time; ?>', 'Apple')">Apple</a>
<a href="#" onclick="getData('<?php print $tmpl->time; ?>', 'Banana')">Banana</a>

When I click any link, the ajax seems to run fine, and the page does refuse to reload, but the content still remains unchanged... Anyone happen to know what's up?

+2  A: 

First in the success function, check to make sure that you are receiving what you are looking for:

success: function(data){

Also in the php file, try putting this on top of the script:

header("Content-Type: text/html");

And try modifying your code like:

success: function(data){
  $('#pageContent').html(''); // remove what was before
Web Logic
Thank you my friend, you're a lifesaver.
Stevie Jenowski
@Stevie Jenowski: You are welcome :)
Web Logic
+1  A: 

The Ajax will not run fine:

<a href="#" onclick="getData("<?php print $tmpl->time; ?>", "Orange")">Orange</a>
                             End of attribute value here

Use a validator and nest your quotes correctly (by switching between " and ' or using entities).

David Dorward
+1: Good catch..... :)
Web Logic
Appreciate it, but these were just careless typos as I'm at work and don't have the code readily in front of me
Stevie Jenowski
*facepalm* — debugging code which is *like* some other code which doesn't work is always so much fun.
David Dorward