



After a bit further analysis on my requirement.I gained some more clarity..Sorry for presenting an unclear question.

I want to know how can we parse a string with braces of the form((Question)(Left_Node)(right_node)). The question for example wil be of the form if segment size < 1.5,then choose left node,else right.The question can be a dictionary with a key and a value.Left and right node represent a complete left or right half tree.Need to recursively parse the tree till the leaf node is reached.In this manner need to build an decision binary. I am working on speech synthesis,and am new to this python programming,so looking for help in coding,please suggest methods for implementing this kind??

Please answer...

thanks in advance..


If you can decide on the details of the input format, then use raw python source code. For example you can store your tree in a python dictionary of nodes:

tree = {
    "root": ("a", "b")
    "a": ("c", "d"),
    "b": ("e", "f"),
    "c": (None, None), #No children, a leaf.
    "d": (None, None),
    "e": (None, None),
    "f": (None, None),

Now you can parse this tree simply with the python parser.

from tree_data import tree #We're done parsing!

root_node = tree["root"]
left_child = tree[root_node[0]]

Well, if the input format is already specified, then we cannot help you if you don't share the details of that format.

Tadeusz A. Kadłubowski
Thanks you,actually i didnt have complete clarity about what i wanted..ya i am now edit the question..please help me in the implementation...