



When in the Python debugger (pdb) I want to step over a yield statement, but hitting (n) for next brings me to the destination of the yield i.e. the consumer of the generator. I want to go to the next line that is executed within the generator. Is there any way to do this?

I'm using Python 2.6


If your debugger allows you to use breakpoints and change variable values when you're there, it's as simple as [in pseudo code]

Set Boolean yieldValue to true;
[breakpoint after that line is executed, you can set yieldValue to false here]
if yieldValue, yield value;

in other words:

bool yieldValue = true;
[breakpoint here]
if(yieldValue) yield value;

Note that you usually can't stick a breakpoint on an empty line. You'll have to stick it before the if statement, though.


In debuggers, generally you want to "step" (s) into a function in this case, rather than "next" (n).

"Next" executes the next line in the scope you're looking at; "step" brings you into the next scope down, the generator in this case, which sounds like what you want to do.

Vicki Laidler
No, he's saying that *within the generator*, he wants to step over a yield and land on the line following it, which is exactly what "next" should be doing. ("1 comment per 15 seconds, timer reset"? Ugh, whoever thought that was a good idea needs to be shot...)
Glenn Maynard