@Ramiro Gonzalez Maciel he said he has made that script, he doesn't need frameworks to take as examples. Frameworks usually have scripts wrapped up and well placed.
To respond that question:
I usually store in cookie some md5 strings that are combined from his md5(password) and his username so I'll know next tim he enters my website that is was logged in so I wouldn't make him login again
my example:
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
// sql and escape stuff witch will return 1 if he has entered a valid login
if($sqlreturn == 1){
// do login
$wraplogin = md5($username."-".md5($password)."-".SECRET_KEY); // I always define a define('SECRET_KEY', 'mysecretkey'); in global file.
// now you can store that $wraplogin in cookies and remember his login. Next time he enters the website, you read that cookie, compare it with what you have in your database and let him in.
Now I know that is not the best example, but I've personally used it in very large websites (>500.000 users) and none has hacked in yet :)
That's the advantage in cookies for the login part.
Best of luck.