



When I launch our application in Eclipse on Windows I receive the following error:

Exception occured executing command line.

Cannot run program .. : CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect

I've solved this in the past by shortening the CLASSPATH.

I've now come to a point where I can no longer shorten the CLASSPATH, and would like to know if there are any other workarounds. seems to indicate that the max command prompt line length in windows xp is 8191 characters, and the only solution is to shorten folder names, reduce depth of folder trees, using parameter files, etc.

+1  A: 

This eclipsecoding FAQ page does confirm your diagnostic:

When the CLASSPATH gets too long, the program cannot be launched (at least under Windows) - try to shorten your classpath. In the case of a plugin, you can try to remove unnecessary required plugins.

And you have here a thread detailing the log errors.

Since you can launch Eclipse, but not the application, I would check if you don't have too many plugins included in your launch configuration. Could you check if you have added only the required plugins?
