




I am using JSF 1.2 here i have a managed bean in request scope, my scenario is to open a seperate window. After action is performed oncomplete i am opening a new window since the managed bean in request scopes the values are not populated in new window. Because new object is being created while opening a new window. i can use session scope but that is restricted.

kindly help me in resolving this.

+1  A: 

Two options:

  • use <rich:modalPanel> instead of a new window. Actually, window.open(..) should be even more restricted than session-scope (pop-up blockers would not allow the window to open)
  • use a conversation scope. MyFaces Orchestra provides such scope.
I am using richfaces but modalpanel will override the main window
santhana sankar
so what? what is going to be inside that window? And are you considering that pop-up blockers will not allow opening?
+1  A: 

how about using a4j:keepalive to keep the request scope bean alive in the new page. however for this to work i think your bean must implement Serializable interface.
