



I just started using lighttpd and fastcgi for my django site, but I've noticed my anchor links are no longer working. I used the anchor links for sorting links on the page, for example I use an anchor to sort links by the number of points (or votes) they have received.

For example:

the code in the html template:

{% load sorting_tags %}
 {% ifequal sort_order "points" %}
   {% trans "total points" %}
   {% trans "or" %}
   {% anchor "date" "date posted" %}
   {% order_by_votes links request.direction %}
 {% else %}
   {% anchor "points" "total points" %}
   {% trans "or" %}
   {% trans "date posted" %}

The anchor link on "" for total points
will be directed to "my_app/?sort=points"
But the correct URL should be ""

All my other links work, the problem is specific to anchor links.

The {% anchor %} tag is taken from django-sorting, the code can be found at
Specifically in django-sorting/templatetags/

Thanks in advance.