




I am trying to create a function which maps a recurring pattern of integers using an array.

As an example if I have a starting array of (0,1,3) and I know that I want to stop the pattern when I hit 15.

The pattern gets incremented by a fixed integer each time (lets say 4) so my final pattern should be..

4 (0 + 4)
5 (1 + 4)
7 (2 + 4)
8 (4 + 4)
9 (5 + 4)
11(7 + 4)
12(8 + 4)
13(9 + 4)
15(11+ 4)

Does anyone have any pointers on how this can be achieved?

My current implementation works but is stupidly inefficient which something like this...

$array = array(0,1,3);
$inc = 4;
$end = end($array);
$final = 15;

while($end < $final)
$tmp = array();
foreach($array AS $row)
$tmp = $row + $inc;
$array = merge($tmp, $array);
$end = end($array);
+1  A: 
$array = array(0,1,3);
$inc = 4;
$final = 15;
$end = end($array);

while($end < $final)
  $end += $inc;
  $array[] = $end;

Or with a for loop:

$array = array(0,1,3);
$inc = 4;
$final = 15;

for($i = end($array) + $inc; $i <= $final; $i += $inc)
  $array[] = $i;
Emil Vikström
You have to include 15. So `$end <= $final` **<=** sign should be used.
SergeanT, 15 will be included because $end is only incremented inside the loop.
Emil Vikström
This wouldn't work because the first result would be 7, not 4 (0+4).

function myArrayFunction(array $array, $inc = 4, $final = 15, $end = null)
        $end = end($array);

    while($end < $final)
        $end += $inc;
        $array[] = $end;

    return $array; //assume you're wanting $array back

This is minus any sort of testing or checking of injected values but you get the idea.

They might pass in `$end = 0`. You might want to check `isset($end)` before setting it instead of `(!$end)`.
Marcus Adams
Yes - as I said my function didn't really have any integrity checking. The only reason I put in the !$end was because of the null value in the parameter list. This is actually an excellent location for a lamda function!
+1  A: 

Y'all are missing the fact that 4 is being added to the value in the array 2 keys back, not the last value.

This is the code you need (tested, and working)

$array = array(0,1,3);
$inc = 4;
$end = end($array);
$key = key($array);
$final = 15;

while ($end < $final) {
    if ($array[$key-2] >= 0) {
        $end = $array[$key-2] + $inc;
        $array[] = $end;

I also included in there a check to make sure the key being added to actually exists, though that may not be needed.

Looks good cheers, I will test it now!
Works for me, even when I change $inc and $final

I assume that you want to have all the new values in the same array. So:

//original array
$values =  array(0, 1, 3);

//incremental value
$inc = 4;
//stop value
$stop = 15;

//set the index counter to the origin
$curr_index = 0;

//while the last value of the array is lower than the stop value
while($values[end($values)] < $stop)
    //calculate the new value
    $new_value = $values[$curr_index] + $inc;
    //add the new value to the array
    array_push($values, $new_value);
    //update the index counter
    $curr_index ++;

this code should work for any initial value in the array, any incremental value and any stop value.

Giovanni Di Milia

It would be better to know what you are trying to achieve here as the whole thing looks horribly overcomplicated, but...

$array = array(0,1,3);
$pattern = array();
$inc = 4;
$final = 15;

for ($base = 0; ; $base += $inc) {
  foreach($array as $rem) {
    if ($base + $rem > $final) break 2;
    $pattern []= $base + $rem;


$i = $v = 0;
while ($v < $final) {
  $v = $pattern []= $pattern[$i++] + $inc;

(This assumes $final will be part of the pattern.)


If you can figure out how to calculate the number of elements will be in the array beforehand and assign that to $tum this should work.


$arr = array(0, 1, 3);
$inc = 4; // 6
$fin = 15; // 55
$num = count($arr);
$lum = 0;
$tum = 12; // 29

    for($i = $lum; $i < $num; $i++)
        $tar        = $arr[$i] + $inc;
        $arr[$tar]  = $tar;
    $lum = $num;
    $num *= 2;
} while(end($arr) < $fin);

$arr = array_slice($arr, 0, $tum);

echo "\n";
