Trying to get the hang of using OOP in Perl. My problem is that I'm setting a variable in the class, but the value is lost when I try and retrieve it. I'm sure the issue is glaring, but I need some extra eyes.
sub new
my ($class, $name) = @_;
my $self = {
_name => $name,
_times => []
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
accessor/mutator method:
sub times {
my ($self) = shift;
if (@_) { @{$self->{_times}} = shift }
print "times size: " . @{$self->{_times}} . "\n";
return @{$self->{_times}};
call from the main program:
$js->addRun($duration, $curStartTime);
print "Times size: " . @{$js->times()} . "\n";
relevant code from addRun() subroutine:
sub addRun {
my ($self, $duration, $runDateTime) = @_;
if (!defined($duration) || !defined($runDateTime)) { return 0; }
When I run this code, it enters the addRun subroutine and pushes the value to the _times variable. Then I print the value by calling the accessor/mutator. But the accessor/mutator has its own print command, so I can check the value before I return it.
The accessor prints the correct value, but when I print what was returned, it's undefined. Is my syntax messed up somewhere? Am I just an idiot?