Hello. I'm a newbie in Python and psycopg2 and have problems with a simple insert.
This is my table:
codigo integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('dato_codigo_seq'::regclass),
informacion character(30) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT dato_pkey PRIMARY KEY (codigo)
The field codigo
is a serial.
When I do the sentence:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tabla informacion) VALUES (%s)",("abcdef"))
PostgreSQL throws an exception.
I must do
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tabla (codigo,informacion) VALUES (nextval(%s),%s)",
where dato_codigo_seq
is the sequence to the field codigo
My question isL Can I do a sentence like
insert into tabla(informacion)values('asdsa')
and let PostgreSQL handle the treatment of the serial field?
I can do this:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO tabla informacion) VALUES ("+valor+")")"
but that sentence can be used to attack with a SQL injection.
That's all. Thanks for reading my question, and sorry for my bad english (I speak Spanish).