As of Postgres 8.4 the database fts does not support exact phrase match, nor does it support proximity match if given 2 terms. For example, there is no way to tell Postgres to match on content that have word #1 which is in a specified proximity of word #2. Any one know the plan of Postgres and possibly which version will phrase and proximity match be supported?
Search Vectors
How does one turn document content into an array of lexemes using the parser and dictionaries? How does one match a search criterion ti body text? PostgreSQL provides a number of functions to do this. The first one we will look at is to_tsvector().
A tsvector is an internal data type containing an array of lexemes with position information. The lexeme positions are used when searching, to rank the search result based on proximity and other information. One may control the ranking by labelling the different portions which make up the search document content, for example the title, body and abstract may be weighted differently during search by labelling these sections differently. The section labels, quite simply A,B,C & D, are associated with the tsvector at the time it is created, but the weight modifiers associated with those labels may be controlled after the fact.
For full-phrase searching, see here.
The Postgresql website does not have a roadmap. Instead, you are referred to the Open Issues page. At the moment, this page makes no mention of full-phrase searching.