



I have a file in cvs that has Sticky Options set to -kk. This replaces all cvs keywords with just the keyword name to facilitate diffs. For example, $Author: Alex B$ becomes $Author$.

How do I disable the -kk behavior and get back to "normal" cvs where keywords are substituted in? I've tried rm'ing the file and updating, I've tried cvs update -A and neither changes the flag.

+1  A: 
cvs update -kkv <filename>

will reset the sticky options to keyword and value

Edit: Corrected checkout to update, thanks to Alex B for the correction.

Ken Gentle
Hi Ken, checkout works on modules, not files - but your answer helped me solve my problem. If you edit your answer (checkout -> update), I'll accept it and delete my answer.
Alex B

Running a cvs status on the file still results in "sticky options" being set, for example:

Sticky options: -kk

To remove these completely, edit the CVS/Entries file and remove the '-kk' from the relevent entry.
