



For converting between Latitude/Longitude and UK's Ordnance Survey National Grid eastings and northings, this seems to be the most popular explanation and reference implementation in JavaScript:

The web is littered with other implementations in different languages. Making the conversion via PostGIS queries is another alternative.

...but did anyone implement this maths in ruby?

LatLongToOSGrid is the direction I'm looking for just at this moment, but I would have thought a library for converting in both directions must surely be available in a gem somewhere. I'm just not searching for the right thing.


I have now ported the javascript code to Ruby.

See my blog post "Ruby code for converting to UK Ordnance Survey coordinate systems from WGS84?"

And the linked code osgbconvert.rb

The blog post also details the proj4 ruby bindings approach and explains the coordinate systems involved.

Harry Wood