We're using Spring/Hibernate on a Websphere Application Server for AIX. On my Windows machine, the problem doesn't occur--only when running off AIX. When a user logs in with an account number, if they prefix the '0' to their login ID, the application rejects the login. In the DB2 table, the column is of numeric type, and there shouldn't be a problem converting '090....' to '90...'
Anyone else experience a problem like this? Both machines have Java v1.5.
To be more specific, the flow is FormView -> LoginValidator -> LoginController
In LoginValidator, the value of login is null with the prefixed 0. Without the 0, the value is what it should be (But again, this is only on the AIX environment--on 2 Windows environments it's fine). Here's the snippet of code where the object equals null..
public class LoginValidator implements Validator {
public boolean supports(Class clazz) {
return Login.class.equals(clazz);
public void validate(Object obj, Errors errors) {
System.out.println("Inside LoginValidator");
Login login = (Login) obj;
//null value
System.out.println("Before conversion in Validator, store id = "
+ login.getStoreId());
I've also written this short Java program for constructing a Long from a String, and using the java binary that is packaged with WebSphere
public class String2Long {
public static void main(String[] args){
String a = "09012179";
String b = "9012179";
Long _a = new Long(a);
Long _b = new Long(b);
System.out.println(a + " => " + _a); //09012179 => 9012179
System.out.println(b + " => " + _b); //9012179 => 9012179
System.out.println("_a.equals(_b) " + _a.equals(_b)); //_a.equals(_b) true