I have been searching for a while now for a dead simple CMS with multi-language support. The ideal candidate is very lean and offers the possibility to set up different languages for different domains. It's OK if the language support is provided by a plugin/extension.
For example I want example.com to point to English and example.fr should be French. With different URI-mappings for SEO.
It can be developed in either of PHP, Ruby or Python and has to be open source.
Any tips?
Thank you
What I want is a CMS that is as simple to use and grasp for a client as Radiant is, but with tabs on each resource that can translate articles to different languages.
Languages have to be able to use multiple domains, one for each language.
I want to easily use the same article for more than one language as well as have articles (e.g. blog posts or news stories) that are only connected to one language.
The CMS should be very light in core functionality (like Radiant, unlike Drupal/Joomla) but be easily extendable with plugins.