



I have an app which I have just updated to froyo to take advantage of the move to SD card feature. I am now trying to upload the update to the market but I keep getting the following error: "The file is invalid: W/ResourceType( 7193): Bad string block: last string is not 0- terminated ERROR getting 'android:label' attribute: attribute is not a string value". I changed the value in the manifest from "android:label="@string/app_name" " to "android:label="test" " and uploaded it, then it started complaining about the icon, saying that it wasn't a string. Anyone have any ideas? The application part of my manifest is shown below and I'm properly confused. The app compiles into an APK, it even installs and runs fine on my N1 (installing from SD card) it just won't upload to the market. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have absolutely no idea what's wrong, seems like I've tried everything I can think of including re-installing eclipse. Cheers Steve

+1  A: 

Did you run zipalign against it?

If you right click on your project in eclipse, you can go to Android tools, then export signed Application Package. This does the zipalign and walks you through the signing process.

EDIT: Please try defining all of your resources - it appears that some/all of your string/icon/etc resources have not been defined. Eclipse takes care of all of these things under normal circumstances, so I'm not sure what led up to this situation?

Brad Hein
Yes, I've exported it like that as It uses the maps API I needed the Key. Still no joy though :(
apparently it was just a market issue, all seems well now :)
Excellent. Thanks for the follow up.
Brad Hein

I'm experiencing this now...

"The file is invalid: W/ResourceType( 7433): No known package when getting value for resource number 0x01040014 ERROR getting 'android:label' attribute: attribute is not a string value "

Please help !

Nevermind I found it! It was caused by my integration of DialogHostingActivity from OI FileManager. Removing the "dialog_alert_title" from below fixed it:
<activity android:name="org.openintents.distribution.DialogHostingActivity" android:label="@android:string/dialog_alert_title" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"> </activity>