Everywhere I've looked has instructed me to download plugins and addons because they're "superior." I'm just looking for a simple fade in/fade out when a child is added/deleted (if fadein is all I can get, I'll take it.) Here is a function I'm calling...
var trashbagFrame:MovieClip = new menu_trashbag_mc_frame();
trashbagFrame.x = 900;
trashbagFrame.y = 0;
menu_trashbag_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, trashbagContent);
function trashbagContent(event:MouseEvent):void {
if(MovieClip(root).currentFrame == 850) {
while(MovieClip(root).numChildren > 2)
MovieClip(root).removeChild(MovieClip(root).getChildAt(MovieClip(root).numChildren - 1));
MovieClip(root).addChild (closeBtn);
else {
MovieClip(root).addChild (closeBtn);