



I am using StretchImage because the box is resizable with splitters. It looks like the default is some kind of smooth bilinear filtering, causing my image to be blurry and have moire patterns.

+4  A: 

I suspect you're going to have to do the resizing manually thru the Image class and DrawImage function and respond to the resize events on the PictureBox.

Joel Lucsy
+2  A: 

When resizing an image in .net, the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode offers the following resize methods:

  • Bicubic
  • Bilinear
  • High
  • HighQualityBicubic
  • HighQualityBilinear
  • Low
  • NearestNeighbor
  • Default


It looks like there's no way to do it with a builtin mode "for free", then, right?

Jared Updike
+1  A: 

@Jared Updike: Right. I just browsed thru the code in Reflector for the PictureBox and there's no way to specify the InterpolationMode.

Joel Lucsy