I am trying to use the adaptive payments api.
Basically our client is a "middleman" whose website allows buyers and sellers to find each other. The seller puts in their paypal email address ahead of time, and then the buyer tries to buy something on the website and uses paypal to make the payment. Our client does not take the funds but we use his API username and signature to process the transfer of funds from buyer to seller. The buyer confirms the transfer by us sending them to a special link for that payment given to us by the API. This all works fine using the PalPal Adaptive Payments api.
The problem is that we have to take the BUYER's paypal account information ahead of time, before we send them to paypal to confirm payment. if they don't have a paypal account, we can't send them to the special link with the payment information. They 'd have to leave our site on their own, sign up for paypal, come back, try to make the payment on our site again, put their paypal username in our site, then get sent back to paypal again to confirm the payment. This seems really clunky.
Is there a way we can send them to paypal once to make the payment where they can either login or sign up in one fell swoop? Keep in mind that we are not taking the money--just transferring the money from some buyer on the site to some seller on the site.
thanks, craig