how can I add a listener to the computer's processor? I want the mouse cursor to change when the processing is hight.
You are going to have to drop to native code to get the CPU info. Here is an article on doing that.
You would have to write a class that then makes use of that native call and provides the API you want for the listener.
Hmmm... you might also check out
2010-05-26 20:07:03
native code asking the underlying operating system...
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
2010-05-26 20:15:00
I expect something as easy as the OutOfMemory warning system -
Tom Brito
2010-05-27 12:44:35
thanks for the update! I would like they introduce that in the JDK, by the way.
Tom Brito
2010-05-28 13:08:13