



In SQL Server, there is the option to use query hints. eg

SELECT c.ContactID
FROM Person.Contact c
WITH (INDEX(AK_Contact_rowguid))

I am in the process of getting rid of unused indexes and was wondering how I could go about determining if an index was used as a query hint. Does anyone have suggestions on how I could do this?

Cheers, Joe


That's a great question, and I don't think I can give you an easy answer. If it were me, I would script th entire database in Management Studio and do a Text search for the index name. I would also do that in all of my reports and source code, just to be sure, too.

I don't think that hints make their way to sys.dependencies for procs an functions, but even if they did, you'd have some ad-hoc SQL to potentially deal with, so that's why I'd use the text searching route.

Dave Markle
How would I go about scripting the entire DB? There is an option in SSMS to script DB but this only creates a script for the DB and not the DB objects.
Joe Bloggs
I believe it's "Script Objects..." or "Script all Objects..." I forget...
Dave Markle
I have put this project on hold but for anyone who is interested here is a link for scripting SQL Server 2008 DBs. haven't tried it out but it looks like it would do the job.
Joe Bloggs

You can only run profiler for client SQL or search sys.sql_modules otherwise.

To find unused indexes you'd normally use something based on dmvs. This would show you what indexes are in use and need to be kept.


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