
SQL 2005: NOLOCK hint dramatically increases reads. WTF!?

I have a stored procedure that does a lot more reads when the NOLOCK hint is added to the query. I'm baffled - does anyone know why, please? Details: The query is: SELECT * FROM dbo.<table-name> WITH (NOLOCK). It was doing 40,000 reads and there are less than 2,000 rows. I established that most of these reads are caused by 3 TEXT co...

Should I use Query Hint Fast number_rows / FASTFIRSTROW?

I was reading over the documentation for query hints: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181714%28SQL.90%29.aspx And noticed this: FAST number_rows Specifies that the query is optimized for fast retrieval of the first number_rows. This is a nonnegative integer. After the first number_rows are returned, the query continues executi...

Oracle LEADING hint -- why is this required?

Suddenly (but unfortunately I don't know when "suddenly" was; I know it ran fine at some point in the past) one of my queries started taking 7+ seconds instead of milliseconds to execute. I have 1 local table and 3 tables being accessed via a DB link. The 3 remote tables are joined together, and one of them is joined with my local tabl...

How can I choose different hints for different joins for a single table in a query hint?

Suppose I have the following query: select * from A, B, C, D where A.x = B.x and B.y = C.y and A.z = D.z I have indexes on A.x and B.x and B.y and C.y and D.z There is no index on A.z. How can I give a hint to this query to use an INDEX hint on A.x but a USE_HASH hint on A.z? It seems like hints only take the table name, not the sp...

Determine if an Index has been used as a hint

In SQL Server, there is the option to use query hints. eg SELECT c.ContactID FROM Person.Contact c WITH (INDEX(AK_Contact_rowguid)) I am in the process of getting rid of unused indexes and was wondering how I could go about determining if an index was used as a query hint. Does anyone have suggestions on how I could do this? Cheers...

How to use the NOEXPAND hint with Linq to SQL?

I have an indexed view that I need to specify the noexpand hint for in order for it to perform reasonably. Unfortunately as seen with regard to modifying the Linq to SQL generated T-SQL query from the NOLOCK hint it appears that there is no easy way to take advantage of these hints directly or is there? My thought is that it would make ...

SQL Server 2008: Join VIEW with other VIEW: precalculate without resorting to temp tables

To perform transformations in my database, I frequently use a chained set of views. Within the views will be common table expressions. For example I would have the following: CREATE VIEW TransformationStep1 AS WITH Transformation1A AS ( SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, Bla(Field1) AS Calc FROM Table1 ), Transformation1...