




Question regarding Magento and sale items. So I have to use grouped items to link multiple items which are the same style but different colors, these are the items I have showing on my search results/category pages. - I am trying to figure out how I can make the master sku, show as on sale, when the children items are marked on sale. I am able to make it show up on the product page, but anytime I have tried calling any of the getchildren methods outside of grouped.phtml, I have failed, horribly. I think I worked on that method for probably 36 hours unsuccessfully calling it from any other page. So, I thought I would ask here. Does anyone know how I could call the getchildskus or whatever it is method, from the category page, so that I can do something like,

for each child product, compare sale price with active price, if there is a difference, calculate the percentage off, and display the largest difference as "ON SALE, UP TO 30% OFF!", or whatever it may be?

Any help would be much appreciated.

(oh, and I cant set a price on the main group sku, I sell sunglasses and watches mainly and many times a different color will differ in price quite significantly.)