



I'm sure the answer is no, but is it possible to determine the width of an element before it is appended to the DOM?

Once it's appended, I know I can use offsetWidth and offsetHeight.


+3  A: 

It is not possible, at least not accurately, because styling affects these properties, and where it's put determines how it is styled and what rules affect it.

For example placing a <p></p> in the page would by default be the width of the body if appended as a child to it, but if you appeneded it inside for example a <div style="width: 100px;"></div>, then you see how that quickly changes things.

Nick Craver
+1, with additional: the element won't actually be rendered until the current javascript execution stops. This means you can append, get the dimensions and remove again without any visual indication that anything happened.
Andy E
+4  A: 

What you can do with MooTools is use the Element.Measure class - meaning, you inject the element to the DOM, but keep it hidden. Now, you can measure the element without actually showing it.

Oskar Krawczyk
+1 Nice, another nice MooTools gem. Thanks.

The trick is to show the element (display:block) but also hide it (visibility:hidden) and to set it’s position to absolute so that it doesn’t affect the page flow.

The MooTools Element.Measure class does this, as Oscar mentioned.
