



I'm trying to store a user list in a config file. I've been looking at DictionarySectionHandler and NameValueSectionHandler. I'm not too sure what the difference between these two is, but anyway, neither of them do exactly what I'd like.

You can add a custom config section like so:

    <section name="userAges" type="System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler"/>

    <add key="userName1" value="10" />
    <add key="userName2" value="52" />

  var userAges = (Dictionary<string,string>)ConfigurationManager
  foreach (var userAge in userAges)
       userAge.Key, userAge.Value ... 

Which is ok, but I'd prefer to be able to write:

    <add user="userName1" age="10" />
    <add user="userName2" age="52" />

  foreach (var userAge in userAges)
       userAge.User, userAge.Age ... 

I've done similar things before by inheriting from ConfigElement and ConfigSection classes, but I was wondering if theres a quicker way for a simple case like this.