I have to improve some code where an Oracle stored procedure is called from a Java program. Currently the code is really really slow : up to about 8 seconds on my dev machine. On the same machine, if I call directly a SQL query that does about the same treatment and returns the same data, it takes under 100 ms...
The code creates a CallableStatement, registers one of the output parameters to be an Oracle cursor, and then retreives the cursor using the getObject method of the statement and parse it to ResultSet :
cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{ call PKG_ESPECEW.P_ListEspece( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) }");
cstmt.registerOutParameter(4, oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes.CURSOR);
rs = (ResultSet)cstmt.getObject(4);
rs.setFetchSize(1000); //supposed to help ?
options = new HashMap<String, String>(1000);
rs.next() //added that to measure exactly the length of the first call
while(rs.next()) {
I put some timestamps in the code to know which part is taking so long. The result : the first call to rs.next() is taking up to various seconds. The result sets are average, from 10 to a couple thousands rows. As I said before, handling similar result sets coming from a regular PreparedStatement takes 10-100 ms depending the size.
Is anything wrong with the code ? How to improve it ? I'll do direct SQL qhere critical if I haen't any other solution, but I'd prefer a solution tha allows me to not rewrite all the procedures !
Edit : here is the definition of the stored procedure :
PROCEDURE P_ListEspece(P_CLT_ID IN ESPECE.ESP_CLT_ID%TYPE, -- Langue de l'utilisateur
P_Filter IN VARCHAR2, -- Filtre de la requête
P_Cursor OUT L_CURSOR_TYPE, -- Curseur
P_RecordCount OUT NUMBER, -- Nombre d'enregistrement retourne
P_ReturnStatus OUT NUMBER); -- Code d'erreur