



Hello I have been playing around with the WPF GridView control (DesktopUI not Silverlight) and I need to be able to select a specific row and only have the data for that row returned for viewing within a new control such as a list box.

In addition, once the data from a row has been selected the ability to select or add additional data to my listbox needs to be disabled. The use case here is that a user may only select one row/record to export or publish.

In looking through some of the telerik samples I have seen a few similar examples but nothing that fully supported this use case.

Has anyone had expereince with these controls and to know if this can this be accomplished within a WPF gridView. I haven't had much luck with their documentation and I have tried to use some of the inherit features like the GridViewSelectColumn property (which generates a checkbox in a column but I haven't had any luck invoking commands when a checkbox is selected/checked). Instead of the checkbox should I look to use a button and add that as a stand alone column that the user can click such as:

If anyone can provide a code sample of how to invoke the selection of one row of data as well as how to disable the seletion of additional rows once a single row has been selected I would appreciate it. For the disabling I assume that the CanUserSelect property needs to be set to false once an item has been selected but I have yet to successfully been able to invoke anything using the GridViewSelectColumn.

Any samples or points of reference would be appreciated.

Thank you