What is the best way to provide information who is using visiting blogs on wordpress installation? Is there a plugin that provides this information?
Google Analytics provides this kind of information. This plugin integrates analytics reporting in to your WordPress installation.
2010-05-27 18:00:38
Beside integrating Google Analytics, you should install the WordPress.com Stats Plugin. To use it, you have to get a free "Wordpress.com" API Key, but then you can get very good details about the real visitors of your blog. It is not as huge as Google Analytics but it is a very good combination of what a blog user want's to know.
2010-05-27 21:49:52
2010-05-27 22:05:06
Ah and if you also want to track the RSS feed stats, I can recommend the FeedStats Plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/feedstats-de/).
2010-05-27 22:30:22