



I wish to better understand the real-world application of this new feature that consists the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR).

I would like:

  1. Brief explanation of how it could be used;
  2. A brief sample code that shows how to take advantage of it.

Thanks! =)


The Dynamic Language Runtime is used as a platform to create dynamic languages.

Robert Harvey
@Robert Harvey: Does it have nothing to do with Dynamic Types? I thought the two were coming together in the .NET 4.0?
Will Marcouiller
Have a look at the Wikipedia article I linked. If you are referring to the `dynamic` keyword in C#, that's just a way to statically type a variable that has runtime type semantics.
Robert Harvey
I might have read the Wikipedia article, I don't get how to take advantage of it in a real-world application, plus, I don't get all the concepts, excepts that it seems to be for implementing new dynamic languages or so. Perhaps a language barrier, I couldn't say.
Will Marcouiller