I want to get an array composed of the first 4
rows of the original array $arr
how to do it in PHP?
I want to get an array composed of the first 4
rows of the original array $arr
how to do it in PHP?
Check this out.. this should help
$input = array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
$output = array_slice($input, 2); // returns "c", "d", and "e"
$output = array_slice($input, -2, 1); // returns "d"
$output = array_slice($input, 0, 3); // returns "a", "b", and "c"
// note the differences in the array keys
print_r(array_slice($input, 2, -1));
print_r(array_slice($input, 2, -1, true));