



I have a real problem converting my web site to a web application. The final hurdle is that I have a custom server control which is wrapped in a 'CustomControls' namespace.

I have a MenuTreeView class inside that namespace.

However any pages that link to to the customer server control namespace have not been been generated into .designer.vb files. If I try to convert the ASPX page into web application, I get the error 'Generation of designer file failed: Unknown server tag 'CustomControls:MenuTreeView'.

I have the following line in my ASPX page:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="myControls" Namespace="mysite.CustomControls" %>

I've tried removing the mysite so trying:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="myControls" Namespace="CustomControls" %>

But no luck. I've even tried creating a basic class with different name and a new ASPX page, and I still can't get the page to reference another class using 'register'. I've spent all day on this already, if anyone can either test this out or has any ideas, its greatly appreciated.

I'm using VS2005 SP1 (.NET 2).