
Compile errors after converting to a Web Application Project from a Web Site

I'm trying to convert a Web Site to the Web Application project model and I'm running into compile errors that do not seem to be covered by the guidance I found at Converting a Web Site Project to a Web Application Project. The issue is that standard ASP.NET controls that are embedded as child controls within the ContentTemplate of the ...

How to add Assembly Information to a Web Site/App in Visual Studio 2008

Hello, Can anyone tell me how to add an AssemblyInfo.vb file to a Web Application converted from NET2.0 to NET3.5. I'd like to add the manifest information but cannot find a way to do for the Web Application's compiled DLL. I am using Web Deployment Projects for Visual Studio 2008 if this makes a difference. I'm also going to be repla...

Web Application Project @Reference tag

I am converting a web site project to a web application project in VS 2008 and i've run across a query regarding dynamically loading user controls. <%@ Reference Control="~/UserControls/MyUserControl.ascx" %> and then in the page I simply called... Dim ucSupplierDetails As New ASP.usercontrols_myusercontrol_ascx Sadly when updatein...

ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Project takes excessively long time to initially load

I have started work at a new company and the main project I work on (an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Project) takes an excessively long time to initially load (Around 1.5 minutes) I am aware that this is generally the nature of web app projects but my issue is this seems way too long. Ive tried several things to try and pinpoint what mi...

What are the pitfalls of combining a web site project with a web application project in Visual Studio?

I have a web site project with a lot of files, it has become really slow to build. What I want to do is to create a web application project, and in Explorer add all the files to it, including the Bin folder. In Visual Studio I will not add these files (Show All Files will show them), only new files in one new folder that I am going to wo...

Is there a way for a VS2008 Web App Project to work on Windows 2008?

I have some web application projects in my solution that are set with the web tab in the project properties to use the local IIS server and create the web there. This works fine for windows XP, windows 2003. I want to open the project on Windows 2008 but the project gets the following popup when loading each of the projects with this t...

Visual Studio 2008 - Moving solution files (sln, suo)

If a VS2008 project is created initially with a web app project, and class projects are added, and the structure is like this: Parent Folder Web App Project Folder - (solution Files in this folder) Class Project 1 Class Project 2 ... do you see any problems with moving the .sln and .suo files to the parent directory? ...

Typed DataSets in WebApplication Projects.

I am converting an older C# Website Project into a Web Application Project so that we can better manage it in our source control system. I have run into a problem. The Website Project used strongly-typed-datasets (i.e. .XSD files). There is C# code written that uses these strongly typed datasets as an object. That worked fine when it wa...

Design view on Web Form not working in nested WAP projects in Visual Studio 2008

We develop a module web application by using a separate WAP application project for each module. The primary/root WAP settings web tab is set to "Use local IIS Web Server" the path is http://localhost/MainProject. Then there are 4 modules. Each module is a WAP with a web configuration set to "Use local IIS server" with a path such as h...

default namespace in web.config (web application project)

Hello, I had a website project, which I converted to a web application project. I have a set of namespaces defined in my web.config pages/namespaces section. However I am not able to see them in my codebehind (.vb) files. This used to work fine in the web site project. Can somebody put light on this please? Thanks, ...

Performance benefit to pre-compiling web application project set to be updateable?

Is there any performance benefit to pre-compiling an asp.net web application if it's set to be updateable? By setting the pre-compiler updateable flag it doesn't pre-compile the aspx, ascx, etc. so those still have to be compiled at run-time on the first page load. Everything else in an ASP.NET Web Application Project is already compile...

Why does a web application project in VS2005 offer a 'Convert to Web Application' menu choice

I believe I understand fully the differences between Visual Studio 2005's web site model versus the web application project model that was fully delivered in VS2005 SP1 - but I have run into a confusing thing: I have a web application project I wrote (it has a bin folder with the compiled projectname.dll and referenced .dlls too, etc.)....

How to set platform target for a ASP.NET "web site" project

I keep running into all sorts of nuances between the "web site project" versus "web application project" - here is the latest for me: I've inherited a Visual Studio 2005 solution with several class library projects (a DAL.dll, a Biz.dll, etc.) but this is all "fronted" by a web site project rather than a web app project. While the web ...

Getting the url of an aspx page using the page type

I'm using a web application project. I have a folder in my web root called Users and in the folder I have a page called UserList.aspx What I want to be able to do is type in Response.Redirect(Users.UserList.URL) What I reckon I can probably do is create a class that extends Page and add a static property called URL that calls MethodIn...

How to create new website in IIS using Web Setup Project in Visual Studio 2008 SP1

Hi I have a Web Application Project and a Web Setup Project in my Solution. When I run the MSI created by the Web Setup Project it only gives me the option to use an already existing website in the IIS on the local machine. How can I get the installer to give me the option to create a new website in IIS? Thanks ...

How do I block access to files when using the System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule?

I'm using the System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule. With that I'm writing: routes.Add(new Route(@"cart/add", new RouteHandler("~/Order/CartAdd.ashx"))); routes.Add(new Route(@"cart/delete", new RouteHandler("~/Order/CartDelete.ashx"))); ... And I also have one route called: routes.Add(new Route(@"{*url}", new RouteHandler("~/Error/Pa...

implementing interface in an aspx page

for reasons beyond the scope of this discussion (say xcopy an aspx page to a directory, so that we dont have to get a new build out) , we would like to implement an interface in an aspx page.Say, if the page is myPage.aspx, it is usually your class in the codebehind mypage.aspx.cs which implements the interface. When I do something like...

Can't access instance of custom inherited webcontrol from code-behind page in Web Application project

I've inherited from an ASP.NET WebControl to add some additional functionality. I tested my control in a blank ASP.NET Web Site (created through File > New Web Site...) and it worked fine. But I can't get it to work when I add it to a Web Application Project (created throgh File > New Project... > Visual Basic > Web > ASP.NET Web Appli...

ASP.NET MVC WAP, SharePoint Designer and SVN

All, I'm starting a new ASP.NET MVC project which requires some content management capabilities. The people who will be managing the content prefer to use SharePoint Designer (successor to FrontPage) to modify content. I'd like to allow them to keep doing that. The issues are: Since I'd like this to be a WAP, not a website project...

how to play a sound clip on web page on button click event.

how to play a sound clip on web page on button click event. ...