
How to embed a SilverLight control in ASP.NET control (user or custom)

We have a ASP.NET web application written in VB.NET where we build content programmatically during the Init event. We make extensive use of user controls, building them on the fly, and I now want to start including SilverLight content. Is there an easy way of embedding a SilverLight application in a control, and then instantiating the ...

Website settings for running visual web as root?

Scott Gu explains how to run visual web developer using a root path, here: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2006/12/19/tip-trick-how-to-run-a-root-site-with-the-local-web-server-using-vs-2005-sp1.aspx This worked exactly as he described in one instance for me. But, today I do not see this option. More over, I do not think I have ...

Visual Studio creates (empty) folder in /bin for build action "Content" while publishing

I have a Web Application Project in Visual Studio 2005 that I publish using "Project" -> "Publish". The App uses some (text) files that live in a top-level folder; let us call it textfiles for example. What I would like to achieve is that Visual Studio creates a top-level folder called textfiles on the target when publishing. The folde...

Adding Web Site Project style compilation on demand to Web Application Project in Visual Studio

I have a web application project that I wish to keep as a web application project, however is it possible to have part of it compiled on demand like a web site project? I would like one folder where I can add aspx pages to the website after its been published. ...

Namespace or type cannot be resolved against Custom server controls in ASP.NET web app

I have a real problem converting my ASP.net web site to a web application. The final hurdle is that I have a custom server control which is wrapped in a 'CustomControls' namespace. I have a MenuTreeView class inside that namespace. However any pages that link to to the customer server control namespace have not been been generated into...

ASP.NET web application project, BLLs and namespaces

We have a large ASP.NET project which has 100s of BLL classes. In our ObjectDataSources in the UI layer we have typename="". Because we are converting to a web application project, the typename has to include the root namespace of the project. This means we have 1000s of changes to make across lots of files. Are there any better opti...

converting a asp.net web site project type to a regular project

I create a new vs.net project and added all the files from a asp.net website project. When I compile, it couldn't find a reference to a class. In the AppCode the class was defined, but without a namespace. So I added a namespace, and then on the default.aspx.cs (this is where the error was originating) I added the using statement. Th...

How to use app_GlobalResource or app_LocalResource?

How to use them in a ASP.NET Web Application project? Any difference? many thanks ...

Why do Asp.net web project have garbage values in the url?

Hello, I have tried googling and searching for this issue on SO - but have had little success - primarily because I am not sure whether I am searching right. I am working on an ASP.Net Web Application Project (not website) using Visual Studio 2008, C# and Cassini for testing. However, everytime I run the site, I get a URL such as: ht...

How to migrate from BuildProvider to Web Application project?

Currently we have a bunch of web sites (web site projects) that I think should be converted to web application projects. Everybody agrees. But a number of custom BuildProviders are used to generate controls and unfortunately MSDN says that Adding a customized BuildProvider class to the Web.config file works in an ASP.NET Web site bu...

How to precompile a Web Application project?

I've heard recently that you can precompile Web Application projects. My question is how? Right now, when I do a publish for my web application and select only files needed to run this application I get it published but it still has all my ASPX pages and it will still only JIT compile the pages. How do I make it so that all of the ASPX...

Web application control through text messages

I want to develop an application that works by receiving text messages from users to gather data. I have no clue where to begin and what to begin with. I can code in Python, C++, PHP and can do Java also. I was wondering if there can be a personal development setup or framework on which I can develop such application. Releasing it is a ...