
Can we use Resource Expressions in javascript and other parts except Literal?

The Literal control works all the time <asp:Literal ID="Literal7" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:ErrorMessages, errorCompanyNotFound %>" /> But if I want to use this as a parameter in an image, like <img src="blahblah" alt="" title"<%$ Resources:ErrorMessages, errorCompanyNotFound %>" /> It gives the annoying error ...

How to use app_GlobalResource or app_LocalResource?

How to use them in a ASP.NET Web Application project? Any difference? many thanks ...

Why am I getting App_GlobalResources assembly generated? (Error = CS0433)

I'm working on a ASP.NET MVC2 project, for which I have configured the localisation as follows ... I have a separate Resources assembly, containing all my resx files. The settings for each resx file are... Build Action = Embedded Resource Copy to Output Directory = Do not copy Custom Tool = PublicResXFileCodeG...

App_GlobalResources being used for non-localization related files

The App_GlobalResource folder is for localizing strings, but in a project I'm working on there are xslts in it. Furthermore, we have a custom localization provider that gets all the strings from the database, so we don't use file based localization and hence don't use the App_GlobalResource folder for localization. I talked to the develo...

ASP.NET default resource provider

I have for my ASP.NET 3.5 web application project a common library that contains a resource file with string values. This library is shared with the business side (WCF hosted). I created a custom ResourceProviderFactory and ResourceProvider to load resources from the common library. So far so good, but I have other resource files which ...

Nightmare with Localization under Global Resources

I have two Resources files under App_GlobalResources MyApp.resx for those who don't know: All languages will fallback to MyApp.resx except the Swedish UICulture will use the and I have a simple page that shows 3 <asp:Label> in witch the Text property is called differently like: <i>using Resource.Write...