
LINQ-to-SQL CompiledQuery.Compile() with Update, Delete, Insert?

All, So I've got all my select queries in LINQ-to-SQL converted to using CompiledQueries to speed things up. Works great so far for select statements, but I haven't been able to figure out how to pre-compile insert, update, or delete statements. Granted, when you're inserting, deleting or updating in LINQ-to-SQL, you have to use the o...

Precompiled ASP.NET web application: error "System.Web.HttpException file filename.aspx has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be requested."

I've created a web deployment project using the template for Visual Studio 2008 for a ASP.NET 3.5 web application (not web site). I compiled the project which created the files needed for deployment. I copied the resulting folders (bin, static files and all folders with the aspx placeholders etc.) to a staging server where I wanted to t...

How do I deploy a pre-compiled ASP.NET web application?

I have a web service implemented in ASP.NET 2.0 and have pre-compiled it using the aspnet_compiler. I have no clue now how to deploy it to IIS, can someone point me in the right direction? I am using IIS 6.0 on a Windows Server 2003 machine. I have placed the pre-compiled files into a virtual directory, when I access the service throug...

Linq compiled queries without passing the context

Consider this compiled linq-to-sql query: private static Func<LINQDBDataContext, string, IQueryable<Pet>> QueryFindByName = CompiledQuery.Compile(( MyLinqDataContext context, string name) => from p in context.Pets where p.Name == name select p); But I'm holding a private reference to context in the class already and I...

How to tell what page a dll refers to in precompiled ASP.NET site

I'm using a pre-compiled ASP.NET 2.0 site (i.e., copied to the server using the "Build->Publish Web Site" feature in Visual Studio 2005). I catch and log all errors which are usually quite detailed, but lately I've been getting the following error with no other information: Could not load the assembly 'App-Web-rp2eml-j'. Make sure ...

Python SVN bindings for Windows

Where can I find precompiled Python SWIG SVN bindings for Windows? ...

Can you precompile and merge part of an ASP.NET website and then continue development?

A big part of the web site is precompiled and merged, since it's almost never going to change. The precompiled bits can be replaced in case of updates to the original. I want to continue development of new pages, but when I browse to a new page I get the following error: The file '/Website/Test/Default.aspx' has not been pre-compil...

Web Deployment Project: Publish without Precompilation

The Question Is it possible to publish a web application project using a web deployment project without precompilation? Notes In order to split out web controls and pages into a separate assembly, I am using a custom VirtualPathProvider to load these resources. I am using web deployment projects and msbuild at cmd line to deploy thes...

Hosting a precompiled WCF REST service in IIS6 - how?

Can anyone provide a repeatable process for hosting a precompiled website or a web application in IIS6 that can be built using aspnet_compiler? I cannot get code to build reliably (works sometimes) with aspnet_compiler without hitting the "cannot load type: global" error. Changing to a website does not help as I can't even get the precom...

What is the purpose of precompiledApp.config?

If you precompile a web site and keep it updatable, the ASP.NET parser can see from the Page directive that there is no codefile or codebehind and where to find the base class (inherits attribute). <%@ page language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" inherits="_Default, Precompiled" theme="Default" validaterequest="false" %> If the site is pr...

Global.asax not loading for precompiled website

I used Visual Studio 2008 to publish my website. When I bring up the website on the server (Windows 2008 server), I noticed that the code in global.asax was not running. My Global.asax body is similar to: <%@ Application Language="C#" %> <script runat="server"> protected void Application_Start() { // Initialize...

Adding "On The Fly" page to precompiled ASP.Net Site

If a site is a precompiled site, is it possible to add a .aspx and .aspx.cs or aspx.vb file to the site in a new directory and have those pages work/compile on the fly? Or do these files need to be added to the project, re-publish the site, and push the new bin folder? ...

Running a custom VirtualPathProvider with a PreCompiled website

Hi, currently I have a custom VirtualPathProvider in a MVC web application. This VirtualPathProvider checks the Area from the route "/{Area}/{Controller}/..." and uses the NameSpace.{Area}.Main.dll module to return the views that are contained in that assembly as Embedded Resources. This works great and I don't have to deploy a...

Pre-compile specific directories in ASP.NET website project

I have an ASP.NET website project which has a mixture of updateable pages and pages that do not change. Is it possible for me to pre-compile certain directories that contain pages/controls that will not be updated? If so, how could I designate these directories as such? Edit 2009.12.17 My project is structured like this: /cms_pag...

Can I use precompile symbol to determine which code fragment would be compiled when I switching target framework in Visual Studio.

We can switch to different .NET Framework target in Visual Studio after 2008. I have a project, and I want to build 2 different target Frameworks assembly of it. If my target Framework is 2.0, I want it to build some code, and when I switch to another target Framework, I want it to build another code fragment to use some new functions. ...

Web Deployment Project missing in ASP.Net Web Application?

Hi, Please HELP! I have installed the web deployment project on VS 2005. When i click on my Web Site context menu i see the "Add Deployment Project", but when i click on my Web Application Project i don't see it. I have done the task "devenv /setup" in my computer run, but it didn't help. How can i see the Add Web Deployment Project...

Android - are there precompiled samples from SDK available anywhere?

Are there precompiled samples from SDK available anywhere? Or is there any way to quickly compile all samples from given SDK version? UPDATE: it looks like everyone needs to compile examples by itself ...

Installing precompiled versions of LAPACK on Windows

I am trying to use the Armadillo matrix library to do matrix calcualtions and it needs BLAS and LAPACK. The Armadillo documentation recommended geting the precompiled versions from here: There are .lib and .dll files in there. The only problem is I don't know how to get Visual Studio (Express...

LinqtoSql Pre-compile Query problem with Count() on a group by

Have a LinqtoSql query that I now want to precompile. var unorderedc = from insp in sq.Inspections where insp.TestTimeStamp > dStartTime && insp.TestTimeStamp < dEndTime && insp.Model == "EP" && insp.TestResults != "P" group insp by new { insp.TestResults, insp.FailStep } into grp ...

missing .cs files in precompiled website with c# in

Hi, I need to change the code of some application but the application is missing its .cs files, there are only .aspx files. As I read in google, I understand that the application is a precompiled website. I am not too familiar with it so the question is, can I somehow retrieve the code-behind .cs files of this application becaus...