
Distribute a application to the public so they can compile, without revealing the source

I have a proprietary application I would like to hand out to a few people for testing, except we do not want to reveal the source to them. The application is written in C++ for Linux. It links against readily available packages on the Fedora/Ubuntu repos. Is there any way to process the source to something intermediate... then distribu...

How to specify a CompilerVersion for aspnet_compiler.exe without a web.config?

When you precompile a directory that doesn't contain a web.config, the aspnet_compiler.exe defaults to CompilerVersion 2.0 and 3.5 code fails to compile. Is the following minimal web.config the only way to specify the CompilerVersion? <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <system.codedom> <compilers> <compiler language="c...

Programmatically compile a Script Task in SSIS

Hi, For my requirement I need to write Script task from One SSIS package to another. As my server is 64bit machine, when I execute the overriden SSIS package, it throws the error "Binary Script not found". Hence I need to compile the script programmatically in the Parent SSIS package and put the binary code into the another one. I dont k...

Precompiling ASP.NET Web application with MSBuild

I have a c# web application project in Visual Studio 2008 that I want to precompile for deployment. After looking at various options, it seems all of them have some issues - perhaps someone could give their thoughts on this: The project is under source control and also contains a lot of files that are excluded from project. Web Deploym...

Precompiling ASP.NET MVC on Mono with Web Deployment Project

I am trying to precompile and deploy my ASP.NET MVC application from Visual Studio 2008 to a server running Mono 2.4 using a Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment Project. Whenever I go to the website, however, I get an error message: This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted! Has anyone...

Performance benefit to pre-compiling web application project set to be updateable?

Is there any performance benefit to pre-compiling an web application if it's set to be updateable? By setting the pre-compiler updateable flag it doesn't pre-compile the aspx, ascx, etc. so those still have to be compiled at run-time on the first page load. Everything else in an ASP.NET Web Application Project is already compile...

Deploying website using publish & .dll .compiled files

Hi folks, when we publish an website, there are 2 file types created under 'bin' folder, .dll & .compiled files. When we deploy to production do we need to copy the .compiled files or just copying .dll will do? I know it's precompiled at this point but what's the .compiled file for ? TIA ...

Precompile application / webpart for WSS / SharePoint

Hi, I have built a few custom applications that run on WSS 3 using the Visual Studio 2010 Web application template. When I compile the application, Visual Studio creates the assembly file in the bin directory which I copy over later to the production server (another machine) with WSS 3. The compiled application dll file is copied into t...

Is it possible to precompile jsp into eclipse ?

The title is pretty straightforward. I would like to know if there is any possibility of seeing the compiled jsp (the servlet generated) directly into eclipse. Without deploying onto any server. ...