I have the following:
rules: {
acct_name: "required",
acct_type: "required",
acct_routing: {
required: true,
digits: true,
acct_num: {
required: true,
digits: true
equalTo: '#acct_routing'
c_acct_num: {
equalTo: '#acct_routing'
messages: {
acct_name: "<li>Please enter an account name.</li>",
acct_type: "<li>Please choose an account type.</li>",
acct_routing: "<li>Please enter a routing number.</li>",
acct_num: "<li>Please enter an account number.</li>",
c_acct_routing: "<li>Please confirm the routing number.</li>",
c_acct_num: "<li>Please confirm the account number.</li>"
// errorContainer: '#div.error',
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
I am trying to insert the error messages to a div above the form. My problem is if I remove this line : $('#errorList').html(""); then it displays the error messages correctly the first time. If i hit the submit one more time, it will append another set of messages to the div. If I keep $('#errorList').html(""); then I will get only one error message.
How do I refresh the errorList so it doesn't repeat itself and displays the error messages correctly?
thanks in advance.