
jQuery Validation Plugin Checkbox errorPlacement

I have a group of checkboxes that all have the same name. They all have different values. They are just part of a form. They do not make up the entire form. I want the checkboxes to display their error AFTER the last checkbox of that group. is it possible to do something like this in jQuery? $("#myform").validate({ errorPlacement: fu...

Can you validate fieldsets individually using the jquery validation plugin from bassassistance?

I have a form that uses the validation plugin, but I need to validate a separate part of the form using slightly different criteria - most of the fields place the error in the next table cell, but for one field I need the error placed somewhere else. This is the validate function for the main form fields: jQuery("#form2").validate({ ...

JQuery Validation errorPlacement Success vs Failure

Hi, I'm using jQuery Validation for a form, and I have to display a checkmark next to the input field (if the entry was correct), and the error message (example:"please enter at least 4 characters") below the input field. I was thinking of doing something like this: errorPlacement: function(error, element) { * if the validation is suc...

jquery errorPlacement

I have the following: $("#pmtForm").validate({ rules: { acct_name: "required", acct_type: "required", acct_routing: { required: true, digits: true, ...

jquery - how to use errorPlacement for a specific element?

I have checkbox and a text follows it, like; [checkbox] I agree If the checkbox is not clicked when submitting, the current way of showing the error msg I have is(I use errorElement:"div"); [checkbox] This field is required. I agree** I would rather like; [checkbox] I agree This field is required Any idea how to get this done?. ...