If I have a QuadCurve like this (+
= node):
+ +
\ ./
And I fill it in Java 2D the result is something like this: (x
= colored)
But I want to color the other side:
+ +
x\ ./x
xxx +--⁻⁻xx
This succeeds by drawing a rectangle around the curve in the color I want to color the other side and then fill the curve with the background color.
But this isn't good enough to fill a convex rounded (based on QuadCurves) polygon. In case of some coordinates for the rectangles (as explained in the trick I used) overlap other pieces of the polygon. Here are two images (the green area is my polygon):
So, the question is simple: "How can I color a shape build of curves?"
But to the answer will not be simple I think...
Any advice would be VERY VERY appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe I'm going to make a bounty for this question if I don't get an answer