Hi all, it may be wrong place to ask this question, but i hope u all programmer must have the interesting naming convention of variables. i have seen many places that some variable names are very good n effective like
common variable names
- $link
- $db
- $connect
- $query
- $stmt
- $sql
- $qry
- $output
- $result
- $list
so please suggest me some good names for variable , bcoz all time i have to write
$x, $y
etc.. if i want to save something instantly on page...that are even not relevant, so please suggest me good variable names
one more question:
does long file/variable/class/object names and tabs before and after =
effects performance of php page. for example to get some data from db i used to write below code with long names
include_once "../libs/databaseConnection.class.php";
$objDatabaseConnection = new databaseConnection();
$query = some query;
$arrFetchResult = $objDatabaseConnection->fetchByAssoc($query);
instead of this, if i change the name of class and remove tabs before and after =
and modify methods (a little bit)
include_once "../libs/db.config.php";
$db=new dbClass();
$qry=some query;
does this affects the performance of page? this is my real question.